Saturday, July 9, 2011

The Other Tudors by Philippa Jones

This little gem was found in the bargin section ($8.68 and that's plus tax!), but don't let that keep you from reading was quite fascinating and I learned a lot from it. As the title says, this book is about the many mistresses of Henry and their children by him. Yes, the more famous ones are covered here (Bessie Blount and Henry Fitzroy, Mary Boleyn and her children Catherine and Henry Carey), but there are more chronicled that are unknown, as well as a section telling about the ones that may or may not have been. This in itself makes the book such an interesting read. The stories are in depth and well written, and deffinitely shine a light on those whose stories have for so long been untold. Highly reccomended! 5 out of 5 stars. :-)

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