Saturday, July 30, 2011

Film Review: Ironclad

I saw this about 2 weeks ago, and I have to say this is a medieval film that while it's not a big budget one, is well made and well acted. Everyone knows that King John (played here wonderfully by Paul Giamatti) signed the Magna Carta in 1215 from their high school history class, but do you know what happened next? This is the premise of this movie with a lot of blood and a pinch of romance thrown in. This is definitely NOT one you show young kids because of the afore mentioned blood...this is a medieval war type film that is quite true to what it might've been like back then. That being said, if you have the stomach for that, this film is one worth watching. The main plot of the movie is a small band of people (including a member of the Knights Templar) band together to defend a castle that King John wants to take over. If you're a fan of medieval times and war films, this is one you'll definitely want to look for on Netflix, in the Redbox, ect. 3 out of 5 stars 🙂

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